Sunday, October 4, 2015

the fercho family's year of rv adventure

i have been pondering creativity after listening to the TED radio hour podcast-find it here. one of the speakers talks about a study that looks at the brain while it is creating/improving. it showed that one crucial piece of making it happen-is a part of the brain that shuts off-the part that is our usual filter. it filters out things we might say or do that might be wrong or risky. he talked about how a huge part of being creative is shutting off that part of the brain-because being creative is all about not being afraid of being wrong or making a mistake.
 all of this leads us to this family who is bursting through a barrier of social norms. taking a risk, shutting off that voice inside that says to play it safe. and i feel they are to be commended. why can't we do things differently-why do we always feel the need to stay in our same spot? 
 these guys are my inspiration for the year. follow their journey starting this weekend at