Sunday, March 27, 2011

the long awaited molly

this family was thrilled to welcome a little girl on saturday-
watching her big brothers meet her for the first time was incredible-will just couldn't get enough of her, he wanted to feed her, check on her fingers and toes and was very curious about what was happening with her belly button. wyatt was quietly amazed and very concerned about his mommy. it was a moment to be remembered for always-and i was so honored to be there. one of my favorite moments was the boys singing to their new little sister-made me cry a little :)

what a happy family!

a few of the favorite lines that weren't caught on video-
wyatt-"what is that bag that is hitched up to you"    mike "you've been in the country way to long.."
will "i will give her a peanut" deanna "she can't have a peanut sweetie, she's too little" will "here is a small peanut" deanna "she can only have milk" will "where is the milk? is it chocolate milk?"

see molly's video here